Sunday, May 01, 2005

The Matrix Solution To Numerology

Preface :

I am a strong believer in Numerology,
But its foundations are built on faith in meaning.

All the worldly numerology systems both past and present can easily be found to have conflicting meanings and associations. Perhaps some worse than others especially to superstitious people. Does 666 refer to 3 lots of creativity and does 7 represent luck alone. Is there more to these variations in meaning than conflicts, or could these again provide further information, although symbolic.

I do not intend to comment on any of the numerology systems of modern and ancient times. I believe this system provides a certain peace, enlightening the user in the chaotic nature of symbolic analysis based on varying foundations.

Solution :

I created a looped Numerology System, after studying Ki Feng Shui, where direction of focus was important enough to base an entire discipline. This system clearly gives the ability to iterate the symbolic analysis generally used in any of the known numerology systems. I believe the purpose of the iteration is to lessen the importance of the conflicts. This holds true with any choatic theory, where the iterations themselves are enough to at least account for the variation of the seed, in this example the meaning.

The matrix solution is based on the coincidence that there are 13 spaces around every 2 digit number . For every digit after 2 there are an additional 5 spaces to account for.

The following examples show the arrangement of space on a number :

X 8 X

Where x = space = zero or undefined

X 1 X 3 X

Where x = space = zero or undefined

X 6 X 6 X 6 X

Where x = space = zero or undefined


Y1 = Numerology "value" calculated in a relevant numerology system
Y2 = The number of spaces surrounding the number

Y = The Actual numerology value
Y = Y1 + Y2

Calculation Summary

Y = Y1 + 8 ( For a 1 digit number )
Y = Y1 + 13 ( For a 2 digit number )
Y = Y1 + (2 - 5 * num of digits) ( For a 3 or more digit number )

Discussion :

The results are based on the assumption that zero has a symbolic value of one. This could be looked at from a philosophical point of view that even with nothing you still have yourself. The undefined nature of nothing could infact take on the nature of every one of the possible symbolic meanings but certain assumptions are needed to restrict results.

The importance of this analogy proves how important direction can be. The symbolic meanings could be given to all of the surrounding spaces, but what would they be and how would you decide, they begin as undefined.

The above system uses an iteration method to calculate a new numerology value, which itself can be endlessly repeated. In many approximation methods this could be considered a method to lesson the inaccuracy of considering a numerology value without taking the space into account.

Conclusion :

I have often asked myself how many iterations would be sufficient, to gain a deeper understanding of the event in the analysis. The critical knowledge is that any one of the symbolic results could be totally un related, and that due to the chaotic nature of the iterations any error can quickly make the data irrelevant.

Applying the matrix numerology methods is what i would consider a means to an end. It provides a simpe system to gain extra symbolic information. Numerology is symbolic itself, and it is easy to see how symbolising the space around a number as one, could be as wrong as the original or conflicting meaning of the symbol itself.

Yes, mathamatical series analysis can be used, and perhaps the entire iteration process looked at from the perspective of fractals and mandelbolts and the growth rate of chaos. But an approximation is an approximation, and with any analysis the higher the order the higher the order of error.

I believe this system makes sense, and using one to represent the space surronding a number as good as an example as any. It is a logical extension to present and past numerology systems.

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